What Cultures Wear Wedding Rings On Right Hand?

Several cultures around the world wear the wedding ring on the right hand, these traditions vary from country to country. Such as, Russia, Latvia, Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Belgium, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Cuba, Norway, Peru, Colombia, Jordan, wear their wedding rings on their right hands.

Usually, wedding rings have been a symbol of love, commitment, and fidelity for centuries. However, not all cultures wear wedding rings on the same hand or finger. So, what cultures wear wedding ring on right hand?

From Eastern countries to Western countries, we will delve into the history, beliefs, and symbolism of wedding rings on the right hand. Also, discover why they wear wedding rings on the right hand based on their religious beliefs, cultural heritage, and personal preferences.

What countries wear wedding ring on right hand?

Many coumtries around the world have their own traditions and customs when it comes to wearing a wedding ring. In some cultures, wearing it on the right hand is more customary than on the left.  In summary,but they all reflect the significance of the wedding ring as a symbol of love and commitment.

Here is a closer look at some of the cultures where wearing a wedding ring on the right hand is common:


 In Greece, the wedding ring is traditionally worn on the right hand. Engagement rings are also worn on the right hand, but are moved to the left on the wedding day. There are no clear reasons for this tradition, but it may have ancient roots in Greek Orthodox Christianity.

Russia and Slavic countries:

Russia and several other Slavic countries also wear wedding rings on the right hand, usually on the ring finger. This tradition is believed to have originated from the Orthodox Christian church. There is a traditional belief that the right hand is the hand of blessing.


In Hinduism, the left hand is considered impure, and therefore, the right hand is used for religious and auspicious occasions. Therefore, the wedding ring is also worn on the right hand to symbolize the sacred bond between the couple. This tradition is followed by some couples who follow traditional customs in India.

Sri Lanka:

Sri Lankan grooms traditionally wear their wedding rings on their right hands. It is believed to have originated from Hindu tradition to wear the wedding ring on the right hand, symbolic of masculinity and strength. The bride may wear the ring on either hand depending on personal preference or regional customs.


The choice of wearing the wedding ring on the right hand is a matter of personal preference in Colombia. Some Colombian couples, however, wear their wedding rings on the right hand, as it symbolizes strength and endurance.


In Germany, the wedding ring is traditionally worn on the right hand, particularly in Catholic regions. They believe to have originated from the idea that the left hand is associated with the devil.


Particularly in the southern regions of Brazil, wedding rings are commonly worn on the right hand. The reason for this tradition is not clear. But it is believed to have originated from the influence of German and Italian immigrants.


Most Dutch people wear their wedding rings on their right hand, particularly in the northern part of the country. Traditions from German and Scandinavian cultures are believed to have originated here.


In Norway, it is customary to wear the wedding ring on the right hand. The reason behind this tradition dates back to the 16th century when Protestantism was introduced in Norway. Protestants considered the right hand to be the “hand of faith” and reserved it for wedding rings and other religious symbols.


 In Argentina, it is common to wear the wedding ring on the right hand. In Spanish Catholicism, the right hand was regarded as God’s hand. Plus it was reserved for religious symbols and wedding rings.

Czech Republic:

It is usual to wear a wedding ring on the right hand in the Czech Republic. It is believed that this tradition stems from Catholicism, the dominant religion for centuries in the region.

Importance of wedding rings in different cultures?

Importance of wedding rings in different cultures

Wedding rings are a meaningful symbol of love, commitment, and unity. However, the significance and customs surrounding these rings vary greatly across different cultures. Let’s check out how the wedding ring are important:

Muslim culture:

Wedding rings are not typically exchanged during the wedding ceremony. However, some Muslim couples may choose to exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment to each other.

Jewish culture:

Wedding rings are traditionally made of gold and are worn on the index finger of the right hand. This symbolizes the idea that the bride and groom are the king and queen of their own kingdom.

Western cultures:

 Such as the United States and Europe, wedding rings are a symbol of love and commitment between two individuals. During the wedding ceremony, they are usually exchanged on the fourth finger of the left hand.

Hindu culture:

They wear wedding ring on the right hand and are considered a symbol of the sacred bond between the couple. They are often made of gold or silver and may be decorated with intricate designs.

Chinese culture:

Wedding rings are often made of jade and are worn on the third finger of the left hand. This finger is believed to have a special connection to the heart.

Japanese culture:

Wedding rings aren’t typically exchanged; instead, engagement rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand.

Korean culture:

Wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand and are often made of gold. They are considered a symbol of the couple’s love and commitment to each other.

African culture:

Wedding rings are often made of gold and may be decorated with traditional symbols and designs. These rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand as a sign of commitment to each other.


 In Jewish culture, the wedding ring is a symbol of the covenant between the couple and God. The ring is typically made of plain gold and is placed on the bride’s right index finger during the wedding ceremony. The ring is a symbol of the groom’s commitment to provide for his bride and protect her.


In Irish culture, wedding rings are worn on the left hand with the heart facing inward to represent that the wearer’s heart is taken. The Claddagh ring is a popular Irish wedding ring that features two hands. It holdsa heart with a crown on top. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty.

Native American:

In some Native American cultures, wedding rings are not exchanged. Instead, couples exchange other symbols of their love and commitment. Such as woven bracelets or necklaces made from natural materials like animal hide or feathers.


In Nigerian culture, wedding rings are not typically exchanged. Instead, couples may exchange traditional gifts like kola nuts or money as a symbol of their commitment to each other.

What does it mean to wear a wedding ring on your right hand?

Due to cultural differences, wearing a wedding ring on the right hand has become more popular. In some cultures, such as Russia and Greece, the wedding ring is traditionally worn on the right hand. Wearing the wedding ring on the right hand symbolizes strength and power in these countries.

However, the tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the left hand can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed that a vein in the left hand led directly to the heart. This concept, known as the “vena amoris,” has been passed down through generations and is still widely believed today. However, as times have changed, so have the traditions surrounding the placement of wedding rings.

Another reason for wearing a wedding ring on the right hand is due to personal preference. It may be more comfortable for some left-handed individuals to wear their wedding rings on their right hands. By wearing the ring on the less dominant hand, you can keep it looking new for longer.

LGBTQIA+ people may also feel special about wearing wedding rings on their right hands. In many countries, same-sex marriages have only recently become legal. they wear a wedding ring on the right hand. it can be a way to express pride in their relationship and commitment to each other.

In some cases, women leave their diamond ring on their right hand after their wedding ceremony. From engagement to marriage, to symbolize a change in status. However, wearing a wedding ring on the right hand may indicate that a person is widowed or divorced. This is not always the case, as some cultures wear the wedding ring on the right hand instead of the left.

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What religion wears wedding ring on right hand?

There are several religions that wear wedding rings on the right hand, including Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox Christians. In these faiths, the right hand is seen as the dominant hand, representing strength and power.

Besides, some Jewish couples also wear their wedding rings on the right hand. Muslim countries also wear wedding rings on the right hand. They believe that, this is the hand used during important religious ceremonies.

Why do Muslims wear wedding ring on right hand?

Muslims wear wedding rings on their right hand because it is a cultural and religious tradition. In Islamic culture, the right hand is considered to be the stronger and more respected hand. On the other hand, left hand is seen as the weaker and less respected hand.

Therefore, the wedding ring, which symbolizes the bond and commitment between a husband and wife. That’s why they wear i wedding ring on the right hand as a sign of respect and honor. However, Some Muslim scholars says, the right hand is more practical and less likely to obstruct daily activities.

Which hand is wedding ring for female?

The wedding ring for a female is traditionally worn on the left hand’s fourth finger, also known as the ring finger. This is a long-standing tradition in Western cultures, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, among others.

This is the finger between the middle finger and the little finger. It was believed that the vein in the left hand, called the “vena amoris” or the “vein of love,” was directly connected to the heart. Women traditionally wear their wedding rings on their left hands. But some cultures and religions wear them on their right hands.

Do men wear wedding rings on left or right hand

Do men wear wedding rings on left or right hand?

Men traditionally wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand. This is the same finger that women typically wear their wedding rings on. However, as we mentioned earlier, there is a growing trend in some cultures for men to wear their wedding rings on the right hand instead.

Which cultures do not use wedding rings?

There are several cultures around the world that do not use wedding rings as a symbol of marriage. In some parts of India, for example, the bride may wear a necklace or bangles as a sign of her union with her spouse. In Jewish and Muslim cultures, the wedding ring is not a traditional component of the marriage ceremony.

Instead, couples may exchange other gifts or symbols of their commitment. Even, African cultures accept dowries and other valuable items as signs of the groom’s intention to marry the bride. Remember that cultural traditions vary widely, and what is customary in one country may not be in another.

Do Germans wear wedding rings on their right hand?

Yes, it is common in Germany for people to wear their wedding rings on the right hand. Historically, the Catholic Church considered the right hand as the “holy” hand in Germany. However, some Germans also wear their wedding rings on their left hand, following many other countries’ traditions.

Which finger do Europeans wear wedding ring?

In Europe, the tradition is to wear the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand, also referred to as the “ring finger.” According to tradition, this finger has a vein leading directly to the heart. So it makes a perfect finger for a wedding ring, symbolizing love and connection. However, some Europeans choose to wear their wedding rings on the right hand.

Why do Polish wear Wedding ring on right hand?

In Poland, wedding rings are traditionally worn on the right hand. Because, Polish prince Bolesaw III Wrymouth introduced engagement rings and wedding rings in the 12th century. In those days, it was tradition for the groom to give the bride a small, plain band.

On the wedding day, the groom gave the bride a more ornate wedding ring, which she wore on her right hand. The tradition of wearing the wedding ring on the right hand in Poland continued to this day. Some couples, especially those influenced by Western cultures, opt to wear their rings on the left hand.

Why do spaniards wear wedding ring on right hand?

Spain has worn wedding rings on the right hand since medieval times. It is believed that the left hand was associated with evil spirits and the right hand was considered pure and holy. In ancient times, the wedding ring symbolized the commitment between two people.

This tradition is still followed by many Spaniards today. Though, some choose to wear their wedding ring on the left hand, which is more common in other parts of the world.


So, what cultures wear wedding ring on right hand? well, it is really interesting to learn about the diverse cultural practices regarding wedding rings. While the majority of cultures wear the wedding ring on the left hand, there are a few exceptions where the right hand is preferred.

Across cultures, even something as universal as the exchange of wedding rings has variations and nuances. Understanding these traditions can deepen our appreciation and respect for the diversity of our world.

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